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Hope on the Balkans Kosov@ Crisis
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Foreign journalists given 24 hours to leave Yugoslavia
A group of around twenty journalists were given twenty-four hours to leave Yugoslavia yesterday afternoon, Beta reports today.
23rd September 2000Montenegrins watch and wait
Montenegrins brace themselves for the outcome of a ballot that could determine their destiny.
22nd September 2000Kosovo's "Serbian affair"
Kosovo Albanians say they have little interest in Sunday elections, but the UN is preparing for trouble.
22nd September 2000Phantom Serb voters
Many in Serbia expect Milosevic will resort to fraud to secure victory in Sunday's elections.
22nd September 2000Regime targets students
The Belgrade regime has turned the screws on the student movement Otpor in the run-up to this Sunday's elections.
22nd September 2000Election media blackout begins
Yugoslavia is under a media election blackout which began at midnight last night and will continue until the close of polling at 8.00 p.m. on Sunday night.
21st September 2000Pavkovic: Army willing to recognise Kostunica victory
Yugoslav Army chief of staff General Lieutenant Nebojsa Pavkovic on Wednesday night said that the Yugoslav Army was willing to recognise victory of the opposition presidential candidate.
21st September 2000Government parties: Opposition will steal votes
Socialist Party of Serbia spokesman Nikola Sainovic today alleged that the opposition was intending to steal votes in Sunday's elections.
21st September 2000Milosevic: election a referendum
Socialist Party and Yugoslav Left presidential candidate Slobodan Milosevic gave the final speech of his election campaign in New Belgrade this evening.
20th September 2000Serbian police guard Milosevic at Montenegrin rally
Serbian police and Yugoslav Army troops stood guard at a Montenegrin Socialist People's Party campaign rally at Berane Military Airport this afternoon as Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic spoke.
20th September 2000More Otpor harassment
Otpor activist Valentin Tomov was released this morning after twelve hours interrogation in the police station in Dimitrovgrad, near the Yugoslav-Bulgarian border.
20th September 2000Two hundred thousand Belgraders turn out for Kostunica
About 200,000 people gathered in front of the Yugoslav Parliament tonight to greet opposition presidential candidate Vojislav Kostunica with huge applause.
20th September 2000Desperate measures for government parties
The Social Democratic Union claims it can prove the existence of an order to Serbian customs chiefs, "whose purpose is to distribute pre-circled ballot papers to all customs employees on September 24, so that the regime can be sure of their votes".
19th September 2000Europe fails child refugees
European Union members states are criticised for their treatment of refugee children.
19th September 2000Belgrade shuns Greek allies
Serbia's relations with its last European ally turn sour.
19th September 2000Opposition leaders appear on state television
The leaders of the Democratic Opposition of Serbia appeared last night on the state television network pledging the preservation of the Serbia-Montenegro federation and the lifting of sanctions against the country.
18th September 2000Kostunica: Foreign intervention would be catastrophe
The possibility of foreign intervention in Yugoslavia if violence broke out after the elections next weekend could not be ruled out, opposition presidential candidate Vojislav Kostunica said today.
18th September 2000Serbia: elections not free and fair
The September 24 elections in Yugoslavia and Serbia will not be free, and probably will not be fair, Human Rights Watch said today.
15th September 2000Mira Markovic: NATO will steal votes for opposition
The director of the Yugoslav Left, Mirjana Markovic, told an election rally in Pozarevac yesterday that NATO was preparing to steal votes in the Yugoslav federal elections.
15th September 2000Kosovo election campaign violence
Violence has marred preparations for Kosovo's critical local elections next month.
15th September 2000Higher salaries for all, Milosevic tells factory workers
Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic told workers at the Zastava plant in Kragujevac today that better days awaited them and many others in the country involved in great and successful work.
15th September 2000Milosevic's wife barred from Kosovo
KFOR troops turned back the director of the Yugoslav left, Mirjana Markovic today as she attempted to attend an election rally in Kosovska Mitrovica, Radio Kontakt Plus reported today, quoting a local Socialist official.
15th September 2000Belgrade election frenzy
Belgrade is awash with political speculation and gossip in the run-up to elections later this month.
15th September 2000Pesic: Two and half million votes for Kostunica
Vojislav Kostunica was the first Yugoslav politician in ten years to appear ahead of Slobodan Milosevic in opinion surveys as the most trusted politician, the director of the Centre for Anti-War Action, Vesna Pesic, said today.
14th September 2000Violence at Kostunica Kosovo rally
About a hundred supporters of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic today pelted opposition presidential candidate Vojislav Kostunica with rocks and bottles as he spoke at a campaign rally in Kosovska Mitrovica this afternoon.
14th September 2000Government harassment of NGO
Officials of the Federal Ministry of Justice this morning demanded that the Centre for Fee Elections and Democracy in Belgrade present its registration documents. Last Friday, police removed six computers from the centre claiming that it was necessary to audit the organisation's business dealings.
13th September 2000Money buys freedom for Albanians
Serbian human rights activists accuse judges and lawyers of profiting from imprisoned Albanians.
12th September 2000Kosovo election campaign kicks off
Albanian political parties in Kosovo square up ahead of October's municipal elections.
12th September 2000Milosevic coalition divided
Slobodan Milosevic's election prospects have been severely damaged by government feuding.
12th September 2000Opposition and Renewal Movement to stand together in 20 towns
Technical election coalitions of the Democratic Opposition of Serbia and the Serbian Renewal Movement had been formed in about twenty towns in Serbia, Renewal Movement spokesman Ivan Kovacevic said yesterday.
11th September 2000US: Papandreou-Milosevic meeting regrettable
The US Administration last night described yesterday's meeting between Greek Foreign Minister George Papandreou and Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic as "regrettable".
8th September 2000Kostunica: Elections the new Serb Uprising
Presidential front-runner Vojislav Kostunica today compared Yugoslavia's elections this month to the Serb Uprising when Serbia broke out of Turkish occupation after five hundred years.
8th September 2000Renewal Movement may support Kostunica in second round
The Serbian Renewal Movement may support Democratic Opposition presidential candidate Vojislav Kostunica if he enters the second round of the presidential elections on September 24, senior party official Ognjen Pribicevic said today.
6th September 2000Socialist mutiny against Yugoslav Left domination
A number of senior Socialist Party of Serbia officials have threatened to resign from the party over its increasing kow-towing to the Yugoslav United Left, Belgrade daily Glas javnosti writes today.
5th September 2000Kostunica: Milosevic will not go to the Hague
Opposition presidential candidate Vojislav Kostunica said today that if he were elected he would not permit Slobodan Milosevic to be extradited to the Hague.
5th September 2000Del Ponte: Milosevic will be arrested
Hague Tribunal Chief Prosecutor Carla del Ponte said today that she was certain Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic would be arrested.
5th September 2000Milosevic tightens hold on judiciary
Once highly respected and prestigious, the Serbian judiciary's reputation has plummeted in recent years.
5th September 2000Russians still not invited to monitor elections
The Russian Embassy in Belgrade has not received any official invitation from Yugoslavia to send Russian observers to this month's elections.
5th September 2000Concerns about Stambolic's disappearance
Vojvodina's League of Social Democrats is particularly concerned about the disappearance of Ivan Stambolic on Friday and the increasingly open methods of repression used against the regime's political enemies, Beta reports today.
27th August 2000Senior Socialist official in surprise campaign visit to Kosovo
The secretary-general of the Socialist Party of Serbia, Gorica Gajevic, yesterday visited Kosovo, where she announced that the elections in Yugoslavia scheduled for September 24 would be held at 500 polling places in the province as well.
31st August 2000Kosovo, Montenegro as factors in September elections
Kosovo is an important factor in the election campaign for the Left coalition. Even though Milosevic's policies have caused Kosovo to effectively secede from Kosovo, he is once again trying to turn his defeat into a victory and to profit from it.
1st September 2000Ruling coalition is worried
According to sources in the ruling Left coalition, Milosevic made a miscalculation for these elections, believing he would easily defeat the squabbling opposition leaders and their small parties.
1st September 2000Kostunica favourite in all polls
Most opinion polls in Serbia suggest that Kostunica has a substantive lead over Milosevic.
1st September 2000Red Star fans muzzled
Serbia's sizzling pre-election atmosphere spills over onto the football terraces.
1st September 2000More violence against Serbs: Clinton warns Albanians
President of the USA, Bill Clinton warned Kosovo Albanians that violence towards the non-Albanian population in Kosovo would reflect negatively on the future of the province.
25th June 2000Otpor calls attention to Leskovac graffiti activist
Otpor today invited all opposition party leaders to come to the town of Leskovac in the south of Serbia to show their support to the family of arrested Otpor activist Vladimir Stojkovic.
25th June 2000Milosevic never weaker, opposition split
"FRY President Slobodan Milosevic has never been weaker", President of the Social Democrats Vuk Obradovic said in Cacak yesterday. Obradovic also said that the problem with the opposition was the vanity of certain party leaders and differences in political stances since some of them have participated in the government and some have not.
24th June 2000Kosovo Serb journalist shot
There's growing international concern for the safety of ethnic minority journalists in Kosovo after a Serb reporter was shot and wounded in central Pristina.
23rd June 2000Conflicting accounts on whether graffiti activist charged
Yugoslav Committee for Human Rights lawyer Zoran Petrovic confirmed after talks with Leskovac police that Otpor member Vladimir Stojkovic had been charged under Article 133 of the Criminal Act i.e. with calling for violation of the constitutional order. Petrovic also told B2-92 that the Municipal Court in Leskovac had denied that any charges had been filed again Stojkovic, who was arrested on Wednesday night.
23rd June 2000Rugova comeback?
There are signs that Ibrahim Rugova, a peripheral political figure since the end of the war, is preparing to make a comeback.
23rd June 2000Terrorism legislation in Parliament next week
The Federal Government requested today that the Federal Parliament urgently adopt the proposal for the Anti Terrorism Act. The Federal Parliament responded by calling extraordinary sessions in both houses for next Friday.
23rd June 2000Twenty three Kragujevac citizens arrested
Police in Kragujevac arrested 23 Otpor activists including four minors, two journalists and the president of Sumadija Coalition, Branislav Kovacevic, in the central Serbian city of Kragujevac.
22nd June 2000Information Act makes headlines
Belgrade daily Glas javnosti and editor-in-chief Slavoljub Kacarevic were fined 280,000 dinars in the Belgrade District Court last night under the Public Information Act.
22nd June 2000Former advisor: Milosevic won't leave Serbia
Slobodan Milosevic is unlikely ever to leave Yugoslavia and would seek guarantees against extradition to The Hague from the citizens and opposition of Serbia.
22nd June 2000Dienstbier: Almost 600 Otpor activists arrested
The UN's special rapporteur for human rights, Jiri Dienstbier, quoted Otpor as saying that 573 of the organisation's activists had been detained for interrogation by police to date. Dienstbier told a press conference that he was anxious about the state of human rights in Serbia and the coming terrorism legislation.
21st June 2000Possible Hague charges for KLA commanders
The Hague Tribunal is considering raising indictments against five former commanders of the Kosovo Liberation Army, the tribunal's chief prosecutor, Carla del Ponte, said today.
21st June 2000Dienstbier: KFOR and UN unable to complete mission
The United Nations civilian mission in Kosovo and KFOR were unable to carry out the task they were charged with under UN Security Council Resolution 1244, the UN's special envoy for human rights, Jiri Dienstbier, said today.
19th June 2000Reports of asylum negotiations for Milosevic denied
Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic will not negotiate his way out of being arrested on a Hague Tribunal indictment for crimes against humanity, Tribunal spokesman Paul Risley said today. Risley was commenting on current international speculation as to how Milosevic can be persuaded to step down from power.
19th June 2000EU moves for further isolation of Belgrade regime
European Union heads of state meeting in the Portuguese town of Santa Maria da Feira today agreed on further steps for the isolation of the Belgrade regime and stimulation of democratic and economic reforms in the Balkans.
19th June 2000Draskovic suspects charged
Criminal charges were filed today in the Higher Court in Podgorica against Vladimir Japanac, Dusan Spasojevic and brothers Ivan and Milan Lovric, the Montenegrin Interior Ministry said in a statement this evening. Two other suspects are believed to be still at large.
19th June 2000Assassination attempt on Vuk Draskovic
Last night around midnight, President of the Serbian Renewal Movement Vuk Draskovic was slightly injured when unknown gunmen opened fire on him at his home in Budva on the Montenegrin coast.
16th June 2000Comments on the assassination attempt on Vuk Draskovic
16th June 2000Draskovic and wife accuse regime
In a statement to press at his house in Budva, Vuk Draskovic accused the Serbian Security Service in no uncertain terms for the second assassination attempt on his life, claiming that the orders must have come from Milosevic himself.
16th June 2000Albanian violence stalls Serb repatriation
Recent Albanian violence in Kosovo has cast a shadow over KFOR's efforts to repatriate Serb refugees.
16th June 2000Lukovic examined, Veljkovic's treatment
The arrested Otpor activist Radojko Lukovic was examined in the Pozarevac hospital today, after his lawyers yesterday appealed for medical treatment. The family of fellow detainee Momcilo Veljkovic demands "normal medical protection" for Veljkovic.
16th June 2000Trajkovic election bid?
The international community are pinning their hopes on moderate Kosovo Serb leader, Momcillo Trajkovic.
13th June 2000Serbian cinema craze
Serbs flock to the cinema to escape the harsh realities of the Milosevic regime.
13th June 2000New "defence symbol" unveiled in New Belgrade
Serbian President Milan Milutinovic last night unveiled a 27-metre high obelisk in the Peace and Friendship park in New Belgrade, which is intended a symbol of the country's defence against NATO aggression.
13th June 2000UN to stamp out vigilante journalism
Albanian newspapers in Kosovo pledge to defy the UN and continue their witch-hunt for war crimes suspects.
6th June 2000Milosevic wields psychic weapon
Serbia's popular clairvoyants have become part of the Belgrade propaganda machine.
6th June 2000Opposition campaign fizzles out
There's growing public disillusionment with the Serbian opposition's campaign to oust President Slobodan Milosevic.
31st May 2000Ten thousand students protest in Belgrade
About ten thousand Belgrade University students today marched from the Faculty of Philosophy to the Saborna Church and on to the City Assembly where opposition leaders were meeting. The students publicly warned the opposition that there was no more time to waste and that concrete action must be taken.
27th May 2000Draskovic under suspicion as opposition completes rally plans
Two of the leaders of Belgrade's 1996-97 mass street protests will again be together as speakers at the united opposition demonstration in Belgrade tomorrow. Vesna Pesic, the former president of the Civil Alliance of Serbia, further fuelled growing speculation about the true loyalties of Draskovic.
27th May 2000Kosovo broadcasters left confused
Efforts to establish terrestrial broadcasting in Kosovo are being undermined by the lack of clear guidelines from the international authorities.
26th May 2000Temperature rising at universities
Students are first in the firing line as repression in Serbia reaches a new level of brutality.
26th May 2000Total disruption at university
The dean of Belgrade University's Faculty of Philosophy has suspended all faculty activities and facilities tomorrow, the faculty's crisis headquarters announced today.
25th May 2000Government closes university
Teaching in all Belgrade University faculties will end tomorrow by order of the Serbian Minister of Education, Jevrem Janjic, Beta news agency reports today.
25th May 2000Vuyovic announces adoption of Anti-terrorism bill
Deputy Yugoslav Foreign Minister Nebojsa Vujovic at a today's press conference announced the adoption of an anti-terrorism bill.
24th May 2000Protests against detention of France Press correspondent
Journalists in the southern Serbian town of Vranje protested yesterday against the thirty days' custody imposed on France Press and Belgrade daily Danas correspondent Miroslav Filipovic.
24th May 2000Students take to Otpor
Students in a number of faculties of Belgrade University today rallied behind Otpor as the student movement, whose name means resistance, continued its series of rolling meetings to mobilise students in a popular protest.
24th May 2000Protests to be stepped up
The president of the Democratic Centre and vice-president of the DAN Coalition, Dragoljub Micunovic, told Radio B2-92 today that the united opposition on Saturday would present a number of demands to the Serbian Government. These, said Micunovic, would result in an intensification of protest rallies throughout Serbia.
24th May 2000Newly registered Otpor has no leader but many prominent members
Activist of the people's movement Otpor Vukasin Petrovic said today that despite yesterday's registration of Otpor as an organisation, the movement will continue without an official leader, and its structure will not change.
24th May 2000Kosovo drug threat
Albanian drug dealers and traffickers are flourishing in post-war Kosovo.
23rd May 2000Kosovo conflict leaves mental scars
Suvivors of the Kosovo conflict are struggling to overcome post-war depression.
23rd May 2000An attempt of open dictatorship
Directors, editors-in-chief and journalists of those media houses, the premises of which were suddenly occupied, are not at all surprised by the last wave of violence and repression against the free public speech.
22nd May 2000Building of Glas Javnosti seized
According to the latest verdict of the Commercial Court in Belgrade the building where the daily "Glas javnosti" and printers are located, is to be seized. "Glas Javnosti" has issued the following statement on this occasion.
20th May 2000Albanians unwilling to forgive returning Serbs
Plans to return Serb refugees to Kosovo have alarmed their former Albanian neighbours.
19th May 2000Opposition calls for civil disobedience
Representatives of the most important parties in Serbia called on the citizens of Serbia to show their disapproval of the regime's acts by blocking roads, organising walks, striking, and to defend the remaining independent media.
17th May 2000Thousands attend protest meeting
Thousands of people were present for the protest meeting in front of Belgrade City Hall against the nationalisation of Studio B.
17th May 2000Police close down Studio B
The Serbian government today marched in on Belgrade radio and television broadcaster Studio B, at the same time shutting out staff of Radio B2-92, Radio Index, and the daily newspaper Blic, who were housed in the same building in central Belgrade, known as the Beogradjanka.
17th May 2000Mitrovica Albanians facing healthcare crisis
Serbs in Mitrovica are denying local Albanians proper medical treatment.
16th May 2000Otpor: resist lynch mob mentality
Otpor representative Ivan Marovic today appealed to law enforcement bodies in Serbia not to allow themselves to be tricked into responding to calls for lynching coming from the authorities over the murder of Bosko Perosevic.
15th May 2000Belgrade rally passes without incident
An estimated 20,000 protesters turned out in central Belgrade today for a rally organised jointly by the united Serbian opposition, the student movement Otpor and the Independent Association of Serbian Journalists.
15th May 2000Kosovo politicians jostle for power
New political parties are mushrooming in Kosovo in the run-up to municipal elections.
12th May 2000Filipovic released from military custody
Kraljevo journalist Miroslav Filipovic was released by the investigating judge today from the military prison in Nis.
12th May 200015,000 attend rallies in central Serbia
More than 15,000 people attended rallies last night in the towns of Kragujevac and Cacak, demanding that the authorities stop repressing the opposition and organise free and democratic general elections.
11th May 2000France Press journalist in detention for up to thirty days
The Municipal Court in Kraljevo has ruled that France Press correspondent Miroslav Filipovic is to be held in temporary detention. Under Serbian law this can last up to thirty days.
10th May 2000Plans for protest rallies across Serbia
Opposition groups across Serbia are scrambling today to organise protests in the wake of yesterday's last-minute cancellation of a planned demonstration in Pozarevac.
10th May 2000Rebuilding Gjakove
With the help of the international community, the Albanians of Gjakove (Djakovica) have begun rebuilding their devastated town.
9th May 2000Kraljevo spurns refugees
Kraljevo residents are threatening to forcibly evict thousands of Kosovo Serb refugees who they say are putting an impossible burden on the local economy.
9th May 2000Miroslav Filipovic arrested in Kraljevo
Yugoslav security officials arrested leading independent journalist Miroslav Filipovic at his home in Kraljevo on May 8.
9th May 2000Pozarevac rally cancelled after regime provocation
The united Serbian opposition today cancelled its planned rally in the central Serbian city of Pozarevac following a wave of arrests of student activists, opposition politicians and journalists across the republic.
9th May 2000Kristalnacht for the Serbian resistance
Police swooped on student protesters, opposition youth branch members and journalists in a raid in the Vojvodina capital of Novi Sad today.
9th May 2000Otpor activists released from custody
The three Otpor activists arrested in Pozarevac last week were released from custody this afternoon. The three were arrested after a clash with security guards employed by Marko Milosevic, the son of the Yugoslav president.
8th May 2000Children injured in armed Albanian attack
Two eleven-year-old girls were among four Serbs injured when armed Albanians opened fire in the town of Kosovska Vitina last night, the Serbian National Council announced today.
8th May 2000Albanians again in court in Nis
The hearing of conspiracy charges against 145 Kosovo Albanians continued today in the Nis Municipal Court. Ten of the 145 residents of the Kosovo town of Djakovica today pleaded not guilty.
8th May 2000Otpor activist detained in Arilje
A young Otpor activist arrested yesterday in the town of Arilje, near Belgrade, was released late last night after six hours' of interrogation in the local police station.
8th May 2000Protest rally in Pozarevac
Thousands of people are expected to protest in Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic's home town of Pozarevac tomorrow over the arrest of three student activists on attempted murder charges last week.
8th May 2000Serbs block road between Gnjilane and Urosevac
Serbs blocked the road between Gnjilane and Urosevac near the village of Klokot for several hours in protest at the recent murder of local Serb Zivko Stolic, KFOR stated Sunday.
7th May 2000Students protesters side with opposition
The Otpor student movement, arguably the most potent anti-government group in the country, may regret its decision to support the Serbian opposition.
5th May 2000Serbs' Pristina misery
The remnants of Pristina's Serb population huddle together in a building guarded round-the-clock by KFOR troops.
5th May 2000Army disaffection grows
Detiorating conditions in the Yugoslav Army have prompted some of its ablest soldiers to quit.
5th May 2000US Administration:
"Milosevic's son most violent Serbian Mafioso"
The US State Department has described Marko Milosevic, son of the Yugoslav president, as one of the wealthiest and most violent members of the Serbian Mafia.
5th May 2000Storm erupts over Pozarevac violence
In response to Tuesday's fight between Otpor members and associates of Yugoslav president's son Marko Milosevic, several leading opposition parties have agreed today to organise an anti-violence rally in the town on May 9.
4th May 2000Beaten protesters on attempted murder charges
Three members of Otpor were arrested last night after friends of Marko Milosevic, the son the Yugoslav president, beat them severely.
3rd May 2000Serbian media face renewed libel threat
Milosevic is using his infamous Information Law to drive independent media out of business.
2nd May 2000Serbs set for Kosovo return
Serb refugees disillusioned with life in Serbia are being encouraged to return to Kosovo.
2nd May 2000Chaotic Kosovo poll preparations
Serious hitches in the registration of Kosovo voters could undermine the credibility of forthcoming municipal elections.
28th April 2000Generals jump ship
Three former Yugoslav Army generals have outraged Belgrade by backing the Montenegrin leadership.
28th April 2000Demonstrations bring Pristina to a standstill
Central Pristina has been brought to a halt today by thousands of demonstrating Albanians. The protesters are demanding the release of an estimated 1,500 Kosovo Albanians still held in prisons in Serbia.
27th April 2000Diplomatic mission in Belgrade
A diplomatic mission headed by Russia and China's UN Ambassadors has arrived unannounced in Belgrade. Analysts are linking the surprise visit to the Security Council's eight-member delegation in Kosovo.
27th April 2000Harassment escalates against Serbia government critics
The Serbian government's crackdown against its critics has intensified dramatically since the end of the NATO war,according to a report published today by Human Rights Watch.
26th April 2000Crown Prince to join opposition campaign
The participants at the opposition conference in Athens are expected to sign a Declaration according to which Crown Prince Aleksandar Karadjordjevic will join the opposition in their election campaign.
22nd April 2000Opposition conference begins in Athens
Several opposition representatives, a number of non governmental organizations and the Church along with Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic and Bosnian Serb Leader Biljana Plavsic have met with Crown Prince Aleksandar Karadjorjevic and representatives of the Serbian Diaspora in Athens for a two-day conference.
21st April 2000Serbian anti-regime forces gather in Athens
Forces opposed to the regime of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic will mass in Athens this weekend. Representatives of the Serbian opposition will join Kosovo Serbs, the Crown Council, G17 Plus and Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic in discussions with Crown Prince Aleksandar Karadjorjevic and representatives of the Serbian Diaspora.
20th April 2000Villagers building new future
Traumatised by the Kosovo war, residents of Krushe e Madhe are determined to rebuild their shattered homes.
20th April 2000Court security guard assaults student protester
A security guard at the Belgrade Business Court has assaulted a member of the student organisation Otpor in the street outside the court building.
18th April 2000Opposition to call for new rallies throughout Serbia
The coordinator of the Alliance for Change, Vladan Batic, has said that the united opposition would mount a series of rallies across Serbia and political appearances on local media as part of its follow-up action to last Friday's rally in Belgrade.
17th April 2000Thousands gather at Alliance for Change rally
Photographs of the rally (courtesy of Free Serbia)
14th April 2000Jelena Santic passed away
Jelena Santic from Belgrade passed away on 17 March 2000. Jelena received the Pax Christi International Peace Award in 1996. She has been the spokeswoman for Grupo 484, a NGO in former Yugoslavia.
22nd March 2000Serb gang-rapes in Kosovo exposed
Commanding officers bear criminal responsibility for a pattern of gang-rapes by Serbian and Yugoslav forces in Kosovo during the NATO bombing campaign, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.
21st March 2000Testimonies of rape victims from Kosovo
Recorded by Human Rights Watch
21st March 2000Belgrade bully boys set loose
A sinister group of regime henchmen are trying to silence government critics.
17th March 2000Pristina's post war boom
Pristina is enjoying a new lease of life almost a year after it was turned into a ghost town.
17th March 2000Serbs defy draft
Hundreds of army reservists have taken to the streets of Kraljevo to protest against the Yugoslav government's latest draft.
15th March 2000Kosovo unites Serbia's political rivals
Serbia's opposition leaders share Milosevic's hard-line stance on Kosovo - some even consider he has been "too soft."
15th March 2000Milosevic crushes opponents
The opposition and the independent media in Serbia fall victim to state-sponsored repression.
10th March 2000Albanian fighters on the march again
A new Kosovo-based guerrilla force says it is prepared to go to war to unite Albanian populated areas of southern Serbia with the province.
3rd March 2000Mitrovica Serbs dig in
Kosovo Serbs in northern Mitrovica fear their enclave will be overwhelmed by Albanians bent on revenge.
3rd March 2000Serbs braced for war
A siege mentality envelopes Belgrade as Milosevic rattles his sabre.
3rd March 2000Kosovo's secret deals
The lure of quick profits in post-war Kosovo is proving stronger than ethnic divisions.
29th February 2000Mitrovica Albanians furious with French
Albanians in the riot-hit town of Mitrovica no longer trust French peackeeping troops.
16th February 2000Milosevic tightens hold on Kosovo Serbs
Milosevic is trying to use the Kosovo Serbs to scupper the province's administration.
16th February 2000Serbian deputy minister threatens independent media with violence
Human Rights Watch condemned senior Serbian officials who this week openly threatened violence against Serbia's non-state affiliated media.
11th February 2000Murder stokes Yugoslav tensions
The latest assassination in Belgrade is being linked to Montenegro's bid to leave the Yugoslav fold.
11th February 2000Rights campaigner faces opposition wrath
A Serbian human rights activist is condemned by the opposition after accusing it of having close links to the Serbian leadership.
11th February 2000KFOR troops under fire
French troops in Mitrovica are accused of turning their backs on victims of Serb rioting.
11th February 2000Serbia's incredible reconstruction
Serbia's high-speed reconstruction is not the run-away success story portrayed on state television.
11th February 2000Pentagon report whitewashes civilian deaths in Yugoslavia
The U.S. Defense Department review of the NATO bombing campaign in Yugoslavia shows that the alliance has failed to learn from its mistakes in killing civilians, Human Rights Watch charged.
8th February 2000New figures on civilian deaths in Kosovo war
About five hundred civilians died in ninety separate incidents as a result of NATO bombing in Yugoslavia last year, Human Rights Watch said in a new report.
7th February 2000Albanian protest in Kosovska Mitrovica
Eleven KFOR soldiers injured
6th February 2000New role for Kosovo women
Albanian women widowed by the Kosovo war are learning to do what was once considered men's work.
4th February 2000Unrest in Kosovska Mitrovica
Kosovska Mitrovica is in a state of tension after violence in the town overnight. International organisations in the province were one of the targets, with several KFOR and UN vehicles set on fire.
4th February 2000Yugoslav army compensation battle
Families demanding compensation from the Yugoslav Army for relatives killed while serving in Kosovo claim they are being short-changed.
4th February 2000Reinhardt and Albright condemn rocket attack in Kosovo
Senior officials of the international community in Kosovo have condemned the rocket attack on a UNHCR bus which killed two Serbs in Kosovo yesterday.
3rd February 2000Coalition partners cagey on election date
Local elections are to be held in Serbia as due this year, Socialist Party spokesman Ivica Dacic told the media today. Dacic declined to give a date for the elections.
3rd February 2000Kosovo "unfashionable" for donors?
The head of the UN civilian mission in Kosovo, Bernard Kouchner, said yesterday that Kosovo was falling out of fashion with the international community and complained that he had been abandoned in the province without funds.
3rd February 2000Belgrade's China rescue
Chinese capital is helping to prop up the cash-strapped Belgrade regime.
2nd February 2000Milosevic exploits Serb homophobia
Yugoslav President Milosevic is exploiting deep-seated homophobia in Serbian society to undermine his opponents.
2nd February 2000Kosovars suspicious of new executive
A move by the international community to govern Kosovo jointly with local politicians is viewed by some Albanians as a threat to their struggle for independence.
2nd February 2000Guard opens fire at besieged print firm
A security guard this morning opened fire on the premises of ABC Grafika. The director of the firm and editor-in-chief of independent Belgrade daily "Glas javnosti" told Radio B2 92 that the guard had fired over the heads of workers as they attempted to go about their normal duties.
1st February 2000Journalists protest over Information Act
Serbian journalists today protested in central Belgrade, demanding the repeal of the Public Information Act, which has earned world-wide criticism since being proclaimed in October 1998.
31st January 2000Local government elections in April?
The governing Socialist Party of Serbia has notified its municipal committees that local government elections will be held in April, according to media reports today.
31st January 2000Meeting of the working group on the future of the FRY ends today
The two day meeting of the working group on the future of the FRY organised by the international institute East West ended in Belgrade today. It was concluded at the meeting that the main aim of the organisation had been achieved by the establishment of a wide association of those working towards changes in Serbia.
30th January 2000New Kosovo bank to kick-start economy
Kosovo's first commercial bank pledges to promote economic growth in one of the poorest regions in Europe.
28th January 2000Government appeals to international community
Deputy Federal Foreign Minister Nebojsa Vujovic today appealed to the international community to abolish sanctions against Yugoslavia and not to begin new military campaigns in the country.
28th January 2000German support for Serbian opposition
The German government has demanded a thorough re-examination of sanctions against Serbia, calling for more severe measures directly aimed at Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic and his associates. German Foreign Minister Joscha Fischer said that Germany supported the opposition in its demands for parliamentary elections by the end of April.
27th January 2000Albanians celebrate KLA transformation as step to independence
After months of protracted negotiations, the KLA has finally been transformed into a trouble-shooting civilian force. But as Daut Dauti reports, the move has enraged Serbia, which sees it as the legalisation of a separatist army.
25th January 2000The Kosovo exodus continues
Now that the tables have turned in Kosovo, Serbs in the eastern town of Gnjilane (Gjilan) are selling up and moving out of the province for good.
25th January 2000Arkan's smuggling empire
Zelejko Raznatovic was best known as a warlord. But Arkan was also an extremely successful smuggler, who made a fortune dealing everything from petrol to fertilisers.
25th January 2000Solana calls on Serb and Albanian leaders
During his visit to Pristina, Javier Solana sent a message to Serb and Albanian leaders today that they must be responsible and act in the interests of the future of Kosovo.
22nd January 2000
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