Sarajevo Mix
In his book " A Brief History of Time" physicist Steven Hawkins speaks to us of the existence of
'Black Holes and 'White Holes" deep in space. In the recent studies of these natural phenomena we are
shown characteristics of nature never before seen in history of modern science. In a black hole all laws
of physics, light, matter and reality as we understand it are sucked into nothingness, somehow
transformed than it is theorised, they appear again in a different state through a white hole. No one can
say what happens in that black hole, but the people of Sarajevo know.
For four long years the citizens on Sarajevo were starved and slaughtered while the religious
and political leaders of the world twiddled their philosophies ' and practised their 'politically correct'
rhetoric and speeches. Without heat, electricity, almost no water or food or arms to stop the enemy,
even the personal comfort of holding on to beliefs was finally stripped away and even still, Sarajevo
survived and Awoke to Truth. The Truth of the God given innate powers of the individual.
Today we live in a world where governments, religions, institutions and corporations feel
themselves to be more important than the individual and the sacredness of life.
But we contend that 'War' is an unnatural and artificially created condition caused by a handful
of beings of 'lower intelligence', who profit by it. Perpetuated on the masses who have been
'programmed' and 'hypnotised' into being unthinking and passive citizens by mass media and education
created exactly for this purpose.
We contend, along with hundreds of scientist as stated in the Seville Statement and adopted by
UNESCO, that there is nothing in our Human Biology that is an insurmountable obstacle to the abolition
of war and other institutional violence.
We contend that the true nature of Humanity, and the natural powers of Humanity are Loving
Kindness, Generosity, Patience, Natural Joy, Energy, Courage and Self-reliance as they come together
in the uniqueness of the Individual.
It is to the unfoldment of these qualities in the individual and the establishment of a "New
Humanitarian Order" that SARAJEVO MIX dedicates itself. We of Sarajevo have something to give to
the world. For it was through these Qualities of Humanity and only these qualities that Sarajevo has
continued to survive as one of the most unique multicultural centre's in the world. The ride through the
'Black Hole' is for real and necessary. It is a way for life to strip itself of all that no longer works and give
birth to what enhances the mysterious unfoldment of our specie. But we do not believe it must be a
painful ride though it has been in the past. We are not victims sacrificed to the forces of History.
Through enlightenment, knowledge and understanding we can overcome our ignorance and violence as
we move into the 22nd century.
Sarajevo Mix's purpose is to provide information and encouragement in this confusing time of
Transformation. Through our experience we have come to understand that all must pass through this
Black Hole though not necessarily in the way we did or so painfully. We will only present articles, tools
and people that teach peaceful unfoldment of Humanity and the enpowerment and enhancement of the
True Human Qualities. We will bring into public awareness issues and causes that have been
overlooked to date in the realm of mass human suffering and ignorance and present the latest
information from world wide sources identifying opportunities for more efficient action by the international
community. We will explore ideas and solutions in line with new realities in the subjects of: PEACE