Donation conference took place in Brussels
At the beginning of May, fourth donation conference for reconstruction of BiH, took place in Brussels.Conference about returning to Banja Luka
International promises, after the conference, announced donation of one billion and 250 million US dollars. Distribution proportion is still uncertain, but it is possible that Republika Srpska will get more than predicted 30%, thanks to the new orientation of their government. Funds which will be invested in revitalization of economy and stimulation of returning exiled people and refugees, are donated mostly by European commission, and other donors are USA, Japan, Holland…It is interesting that Yugoslavia and Croatia were at the conference, and they will donate some funds to Republika Srpska and Herceg Bosna. The realization of this donation will not be so perfect in reality, the first reason is that funds will not be delivered if Dayton agreement is obstructed like it happened in three previous cases, and that is very possible. Donation of funds does not mean that funds are automatically delivered. Delivery will happen in proportion in which Bosnian sides respect Dayton agreement. And if they do not-they will not get the money.
At the same time there was another conference, in Banja Luka, and it was about returning refugees too. Besides international officials, most of the leading BiH politicians were present at this conference, and phrases about the right of people to return to their homes, and how government must not challenge their right to return, were heard again. Politicians declared that return is their only option and they persist in spite everyday problems. Conference ended, conclusion was that local authorities have to work on returning refugees and make conditions for them, but nobody explained when and how the return will happen. (Until now it has been the local politicians who made the reurnm of refugees impossible, often through the backdoor supported by national politicians, who now put the black Jack Back though that same backdoor)Parliament of Republika Srpska had it’s session
UNHCR took the duty to present regional strategy of returning until 02. 06. 1998, but it is still unknown if it is going to function in Bosnian reality.
A three-day session of Parliament of Republika Srpska, took place in Banja Luka. They should have discussed the current social-political situation in Republika Srpska, but they did not. The three day session passed in discussion between Serb Democratic Party and Serb Radical Party on one side and the rest of the parliament on the other side, the first side accused the other of war profits, crime… although they had promised not to accuse the present government of prime minister Milorad Dodik, president Biljana Plavsic…So three days passed. The parliament did not make any decision except that they will continue the session in few days, like they always do…Conflict of police and miners in Zenica
There was an open conflict between police forces of Zenica-Doboj canton and miners from Zenica mines, recently. After eleven days of strike, miners tried to go to protest meeting to Sarajevo. Police of Zenica-Doboj canton stopped them by blocking the road on Zenica-Sarajevo highway. Incident happened when strikers tried to break police cordon, and continue their way to Sarajevo…Police attacked strikers, and few miners were hurt. Such way of treating miners/citizens caused the disgusting of Bosnian public. A lot of political parties gave statements against this police acts, but it is not sure if they really mean this or they just need voters for the next elections. This was not the first time that Zenica police did this, something like that happened recently when firms “Zenicatrans” and “Trznice” were on strike.
Few days passed, canton minister of police submitted his resignation, miners believed in promises about payment of their incomes and got back to their work, and our impression that we live in police state is becoming stronger and justified.
The temporary election comity has passed new laws regarding the elections coming this September. The most important decision forbids paid political advertisement through all electronic media. Situation is somewhat better with written media, they will be able to publish political advertisements, but only if everyone would be treated equally. Another change is about registration of parties as alliances, aside from previous coalition way of organizing, and also there is a possibility of making rules and regulations regarding the election of Presidency members, which is demanded by opposition parties.Abolished charges for 14 defendants
The Hague Tribunal has temporarily abolished charges for 14 Bosnian Serbs, accused of war crimes. The Hague prosecutor, Louise Arbour, explained this action as the court’s wish to deal with more “important” cases, like catching those who gave the orders and not those who proceeded them,“Mostar” terrorists trial beganalthough there is enough proof against them too. Their return from the Hague does not automatically mean their taking off from the list of war criminals. In her opinion, the Bosnian justice system should deal with cases of “released”. Does it mean that after these releases there will be arresting of the primary accused persons, as rumors suggest, it was not stated.
The trial for Arabian terrorists, accused of terrorist actions in BiH, began in Canton court of Zenica. Five persons have been accused of planting the car-bomb on September 18th, which had hurt over 50 people and most of the surrounding facilities. Aside from this, the group is charged of number of terrorist actions in this area, for the past several years. Leader of the group is on the run at the moment while the rest of the group is in jail and it is expected that the verdict will be brought soon.