Peace Office Outpost
Introductions in city and country

A walk from the center of town to our new office
The Sarajevo War Tunnel Museum
An ecological village in RS
An ecological conference in Banja Luka
The Kolektiv
The POO Guestroom guests
The DIA CD rom about Banja Luka
The Peace Shop, Mother organization of POO
Dandelion Carpet, a book from the Hrasno project 
Making a film in BiH
a School in Tinja
On the banks of the Miljacka river
The Hrasno neighborhood
The Fire Brigade
G.R.A.S. the remarkable public transport company
The International Council of Volantirely Agencies
Dobrinja near to the airport
Euroclub in Dobrinja
A Dutch selection of things
Elderly in BiH
Crailo, an asylumseeker center in Holland
The flumarket as barometer of live
SOS Kinderdorf
Low Vision
The student organization Schuler Helfen Leben
HCA Tuzla