Archive file
"If you can just touch one person's mind with thoughts of peace
you have done wonderful work."
- Jan Gann, Former Volunteer
Community Visits: 63 families of at least 2 people 12 elderly or disabled individuals Total of approximately 138 people on both sides Email: 65 children and teachers at the Secondary School 100+ international and national penpals 20 children and teenagers at the refugee camp Youth Club: 60 teenagers regularly attending 100 at special events Music Lessons: 6 students presently (40 children in planned Primary School lessons) Young Women's Group: 10 young women in present group (3 more groups of 10 young women planned) Puppet Theater: 17 child Audiences of approximately 300 including parents All listeners to the Radio Davuvar Program on which they appeared Photo Project: 55 children plus their parents (in five groups in Pakrac and Lipik). All those who are already reading the story books published in France Publications: VIP: over 100 international contacts Kako Si?: 600 locals and 400 international organizations Work Camps: 500 international and national volunteers approximately 450 people with whom volunteers have come into contact Small Repairs: During March 65 families received repairs or assistance in Pakrac and five surrounding villages (it is unrealistic to try to guess how many families we have helped) Grand Total: 3,186 individuals that we know we have touched Note: The Grand Total is an approximation. We do not know how many more have been affected directly or indirectly by our work.