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Archive file

Interim report: Jan '96 - June '96

Office Work

Our office continues to be a place where volunteers meet and discuss the logistics of the Project. Due to the lack of a full time (or even a half time) Office Manager during the past six months, general organization and contact with all of our emotional and financial supporters has suffered. However, things are getting back into shape after some recent changes and the location of a full time Office Manager. The office received its first proper overhaul (repainting, reorganizing, cleaning) in the past half year. Though we have to transport our office to another former Long Term Volunteer house at the end of August, the over-all tone of order and the atmosphere of a pleasant space for work and socializing will remain.

Numbers of Those Reached in Each Sub-project

"If you can just touch one person's mind with thoughts of peace you have done wonderful work."
- Jan Gann, Former Volunteer

Community Visits:       63 families of at least 2 people
                        12 elderly or disabled individuals
                        Total of approximately 138 people 
                        on both sides

Email:                  65 children and teachers at the Secondary School
                        100+ international and national penpals
                        20 children and teenagers at the refugee camp

Youth Club:             60 teenagers regularly attending
                        100 at special events

Music Lessons:          6 students presently (40 children in planned
                        Primary School lessons)

Young Women's Group:    10 young women in present group
                        (3 more groups of 10 young women planned)

Puppet Theater:         17 child Audiences of approximately 300
                        including parents
                        All listeners to the Radio Davuvar Program on
                        which they appeared

Photo Project:          55 children plus their parents (in five
                        groups in Pakrac and Lipik).
                        All those who are already reading the story
                        books published in France

     VIP:               over 100 international contacts
     Kako Si?:          600 locals and 400 international

Work Camps:             500 international and national volunteers
                        approximately 450 people with whom volunteers
                        have come into contact

Small Repairs:          During March 65 families received repairs or
                        assistance in Pakrac and five surrounding
                        (it is unrealistic to try to guess how many
                        families we have helped)

Grand Total:            3,186 individuals that we know we have

Note:  The Grand Total is an approximation.   We do not know how many
more have been affected directly or indirectly by our work.

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