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E-mail Project West Slavonia
Project budget

*Budget for Initial Twelve Month Period*
                                                     *all costs in DEM
High speed modems  19,200 bps  1 (for
Demonstartions and trouble shoot                                900.00
Additional Manuals for Trainer and Installator                1,000.00
External CD-ROM                                                 500.00
External tape streamer for trouble shooting                   2,000.00
Installation of telephone line for support                    1,000.00
Office materials                                                500.00
Computer (Pentium, 133MHz, 2,0Gb, CDROM, 16MB RAM)            2,000.00
10 Zerberus ports for tarining NGO's and
students                                          10x240 DEM  2,400.00
Laser Printer HP5                                             1,000.00
Subtotal                                                     11,300.00

*Running Costs*
Telephone bill for voice support line             12x200 DEM  2,400.00
travel costs for installater and trainer          12x200 DEM  2,400.00
Subtotal                                                      4,800.00

*Trainings for memebers of NGO's, refugees and teachers in Pakrac*
*6x1 year for 3 days10 participants:*
Accomodation                                   6x3x10x10 DEM  1,800.00
Travell cost for participants                    6x10x15 DEM    900.00
Food for participants                              6x3x10x10  1,800.00
Subtotal                                                      4,500.00

coordinator @ 400 DEM per month                   12x400 DEM  4,800.00
installater @ 400 DEM per month each              12x400 DEM  4,800.00
Trainer @ 400 DEM per month                       12x400 DEM  4,800.00
Subtotal                                                     14,400.00

Miscellenous                                                  3,500.00
Total:                                                       38,500.00

For Email Project West Slavonia;

                        Rafal Bociek and Burkhard Pranke

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