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Hope on the Balkans

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update: Nov. 23 1997


    This is a survey of organisations in B&H that can provide

usefull information to refugees and displaced persons who want

to return to their homes. It contains the coordinates of

information, advice, councelling and legal assistance centres

all over B&H and the coordinates of other organisations

involved in refugee and DP return such as local human rights

organisations, UNHCR, the Red Cross, the Coalition for Return,

the Federal Ombudspersons, the Commission for Real Property

Claims, the Office of the High Representative Refugee and DP

department, the B&H Association of Refugees and DPs and some

governmental organisations.

    This is a second and revised version. Not only have more

info, advice, councelling and legal assistance centres been

added to the survey, in addition a list of local human rights

organisations has been added. Many human rights organisations

are involved in the field of return and have professional

knowledge related to return issues and to the security

situation in their area of responsibility. 


    An attempt has been made to distinguish between info,

advice and councelling centres on the one hand and legal

assistance centres on the other. Please note that this

distinction may be a bit artificial and that it is sometimes

difficult to make as some of the organisations work on all

these issues. The reason for making the distinction is that

some organisations specifically call themselves legal

assistance centres.

    As a 'summary' to this survey of organisations I have

compiled a list of towns, in alphabethical order, under which I

have listed, by name only, all organisations present in this


    To be distributed freely and widely as possible. Info,

counselling, advice and legal assistance centres for returning

refugees and DPs are continuously cropping up all over the

country so this list will never be complete. Please add to this

list and put it back on the net again with your additions or

changes. I hope this list can be useful to anyone working on

these issues.

    NB:     Forthcoming: an ICVA Directory on info, advice,

counselling and legal assistance centres, containing detailed

information about the kind of information they provide and the

activities that they perform. 



       Going Home - a guidebook for refugees (IF RC & RCS)

                         ICVA Directory

                         UNHCR documents

             Leaflets of various international NGOs

            Various Newspaper articles (Oslobodenje)

                    The World of B&H NGOs (1)

                          Compiled by 

                         Dave Bekkering

                  Bosnian NGO Development Unit

                        UNDP Gornji Vakuf

              E-mail: unov_gv@zamir-zg.ztn.apc.org

                  October 1997 (first version)

                 November 1997 (second version)


    A few statistics:

-   1.300.000 B&H refugees abroad

-   866.000 internally displaced persons in B&H

-   791.418 out of 1.300.000 refugees in third countries are   

    still without durable solutions 

-   since spring '96 100.000 refugees have returned to B&H

-   200.000 more returns are expected to happen in '97

-   100.000 DPs within the Federation have returned

-   60.000 DPs within Republika Srpska have returned

-   8.000 refugees have returned to RS from FRY in '96

-   50.000 returnees from FRY to RS planned for '97

-   In 1996 there were 10.000 minority returns, of which a

    1.000 Bosniacs and Croats returning to RS

-   Hope for 97: 30.000 minority returns

-   200 involuntary returns from Germany to B&H

    Miscellaneous info:

    In general Federation authorities only accept returning

refugees with a letter of garantee from friends or relatives,

athough Cantons may have their own, differing policy concerning


    UNHCR has defined 39 target areas for reconstruction and 

subsequent return - Not to be considered as 'safe areas': Banja

Luka, Bihac, Bijeljina, Bosanska Krupa, Bosanski Petrovac,

Bratunac, Brcko, Brcko City, Celic, Derventa, Doboj, Glamoc,

Gorazde, Gradacac, Jablanica/ Prozor, Jajce, Kakanj, Kalesija,

Kljuc, Konjic, Kupres, Livno, Lukavac, Maglaj, East Mostar,

Mrkonjic Grad, Odzak, Orasje, Ribnik, Sanski Most, Sarajevo,

Sipovo, srpski Brod, Tesanj, Travnik, Trnovo, Ugljevik,

Vogosca, Zenica, Zvornik.

    UNHCR tries to encourage local authorities to proclaim

themselves as "Open City", a status which will be attributed to

any local authorities officially committing itself to return in

general, minority return specifically, reconciliation between

different ethnic groups, reintegration of refugees and

displaced persons and respect for human rights. 

    UNHCR lobbies with the international donor community for

these "Open Cities". This measure has been designed to speed up

returns, especially minority returns. Konjic was the first town

that officially gained the status of "Open City". Busovaca,

Bihac, Vogosca and gained the status as well.


*   Repatriation Information Centre (UNHCR and SFOR effort)


    The RIC offers any information that can be of use to

    returnees and covers the whole of B&H, ranging from

    information about the political, social and the security

    situation; about health services, educational services,

    reconstruction programs and other humanitarian social,

    economical or physical reconstruction projects. 


    Samoborska 23

    Tel: (387) 071 663304

    Fax: (387) 071 618314

    E-mail: ric-sarajevo@int.tel.hr 

    Head of Office: A. V. Kohlschuetter

    Information officer: Michael Szporluk

*   Returnee Information Point of Caritas and Diakonie

    At this information point a database is available

    containing Bosnia- wide information concerning projects and

    programs of economic, social and physical reconstruction

    which are available to returning refugees and DPs. The

    database is linked up to, for instance, the databases of

    the IMG, the World Bank, FAO and ICVA and collects

    information from UNHCR field offices.


    Sime Milutinovica 1

    Tel/ fax: (387) 071 208022, 214318

    Contact: Joerg Kaiser

*   UNHCR funded info centres

    These centres give info about the present situation, about

    the prevailing socio-economic conditions and about issues

    relating to civil and social rights. The objective is to

    provide beneficiaries with information and counselling in

    response to their individual queries. The centres will also

    run public information campaigns. They are run either by 

    local or international implementing partners: 


-   Sarajevo

    JOB 22

    Husrefa Redzica 7

    Tel/fax: (387) 071 443604

    E-mail: job22_sa@zamir-sa.ztn.apc.org

    Contact: Zdravka Grebo


-   Tuzla-Podrinje Canton


    Project Coordination Unit


    Rudarska 72

    Tel: (387) 075 283429

    Contact: Jasmina Husanovic


    Municipal Red Cross building

    Tel: (387) 075 233766

    Contacts: Nadira Hasic, Almira Omerenfendic


    Majevickih brigada bb

    Tel: (387) 075 571006

    Contact: Esma Ohranovic


    First Primary School

    Tel: (387) 075 775209

    Contacts: Vildana Softic and Amela Mujabasic


    Social Welfare Centre

    Tel: (387) 075 630132

    Contact: Damir Huremovic    


    Accross Social Welfare Centre

    Tel: (387) 075 64083

    Contact: Ajsa Siljic



    Kolovici bb

    Tel: (387) 075 372312

    Contact: Amela Zahirovic


    Todora Panica bb

    Tel: (387) 075 786990

    Contacts: Habiba Sulejmanovic and Ferid Imamovic


    Skorici 11

    Tel: (387) 076 817421

    Contact: Nelvedina Meskic



    Luke 16

    Tel: (387) 075 620153

    Contact: Izudin Saric


    Tel: (387) 075 631183

    Contacts: Faik Muratovic and Smail Kunic

-   Northern Republika Srpska

    Movimiento por la Paz, el Desarme y la Libertad (MDPL)

    Banja Luka

    Sime Matavulja 6

    Tel: (381) 78 40971

    Contact: Jurica Musa



    Oslobodilaca Prijedora 4

    Tel: (381) 079 22985

    Contact: Branka Mijatovic-Kolar


    Dom Kulture

    Tel: (381) 078 813887

    Contact: Zeljko Cikic

    Mrkonjic Grad

    Cara Dusana 11

    Tel: (381) 070 11452

    Contact: Liljana Komljenic

-   Una-Sana Canton 

    IRC Information Centres 

    Here one can get information about the registration process

    for return to a municipality, shelter programs,

    humanitarian organisations, health and educational

    services, property questions, legal help and other issues.


    Branka Radicevica bb

    Tel/fax: (387) 077 333062

    Contact: Alascia d'Onofrio


    Branilaca BiH bb (Dom kulture)

    Tel: (387) 079 77211

    Contact: Envera Crnolic

    Bosanska Krupa

    Trg Oslobodenja 3

    Contact: Sejla Mesic

    Bosanski Petrovac

    Ibrahim Pasica 2

    Tel: (387) 077 811700

    Contact: Selma Mehic

    Velika Kladusa

    Ibrahima Mrzlaka 12

    Tel: (387) 077 775955

    Contact: Hasija Melkic

*   Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Repatriation Project offices

    Integrated approach: Information and Counselling Service/

    encouraging reconciliation and confidence building/

    organising seminaras and training for local counterparts.

    Publication of newsletter "Postar".

    Main office:


    Fra Andela Zvizdovica 1

    Tel: (387) 071 442186, 483130, 201977

    Fax: (387) 071 444053


    Partner: BOSPO

    Rudarska 72

    Tel/fax: (387) 075 281043



    Trg Oslobodeja 28

    Tel: (387) 088 753202

    Fax: (387) 088 752005



    Kucukovici 2

    Tel: (387) 072 414997, 415070

    Fax: (387) 072 414107


    Banja Luka 

    Danish Centre

    Partner: Caritas Denmark

    E. Kumicica 13

    Tel/fax: (381) 078 31211

*   Sarajevo

    "JOB 22"

    Helsinki Citizen's Assembly info system for refugees and

    internally displaced persons. Issues covered: protection of

    property, legal possession of flats, employment rights,

    amnesty, family rights, citizenship, heritage and copy

    right. Specific questions can be directed to their offices.

    HCA - JOB 22

    Husrefa Redzica 7

    71000 Sarajevo

    Tel/fax: (387) 071 443604

    E-mail: job22_sa@zamir-sa.ztn.apc.org

    Contact: Zdravka Grebo

*   Banja Luka

    Genesis - mobile refugee and DP information service

    Grcka 12

    Tel: (381) 078 31238

    E-mail: genesis@eunet.yu

    Contact: Dijana Korda


*   Sarajevo

    Advice centre of IMIC

    (International Multireligious and Intercultural Centre)

    Obala kulina Bana 39

    Tel/fax: (387) 071 440904, 446937

*   Sarajevo

    Caritas Refugee and DP Advice Centre

    Pruscakova 13

    Tel/fax: (387) 071 650023


*   Zenica 

    Information and Consultation Office for Returnees

    Office for repatriation (Bruecke and Pax Christi effort)

    Zukici 2a

    Tel/fax: (387) 072 419313


*   Travnik

    Advice and Information Centre run by Centre for Civic

    Cooperation and UNDP Travnik

    Konatur bb

    Tel: (387) 072 818464, 818467

    Fax: (387) 072 818469

    E-mail: undptr@fobih.undp.org

    Contact: Edib Agic, Artur Sewastian

*   Bosanska Krupa

    Advice and Information Centre for Returnees of Care Germany

    Bosanska Krupa

    Tel/fax: (387) 077 472263

*   Mostar

    MDPL Info Centre

    Trg Ivana Kurdelja 11a

    Tel: (387) 088 564511, 564512

    Contact: Jurica Musa

*   Sanski Most

    Advice and Information Centre of the Malteser Hilfsdienst 

    Muse C. Catica bb

    Tel/fax: (387) 079 81997


*   Local Red Cross Centres (Red Cross Information Network)


    Main Advice and Information Centre for Refugees and DPs

    Trampina 2

    Tel/fax: (387) 071 208602


    Per canton:

    Bihac: (387) 077 229124

    Travnik: (387) 072 818066

    Sarajevo: (387) 071 664427

    Zenica: (387) 072 416862

    Gorazde: (387) 073 221128

    Tomislavgrad: (387) 080 52247

    Ljubuski: (387) 088 834274

    Mostar: (west): (387) 088 320692; (east): (387) 088 566207

    Odzak: (387) 086 761029

    Tuzla: (387) 075 237019


*   UNHCR funded legal aid centres 

    UNHCR has set up several centres providing free legal

    assistance to returnees, internally displaced persons and

    local residents regarding their civil and human rights. The

    main objective is to protect their human rights, thus

    enhancing the possibilities and conditions for them to

    return or to remain. Legal advice is available on property

    related matters, pension and social matters, identity and

    travel documents, citizenship issues. Centres:  

-   Tuzla           

    Human Rights Bureau Tuzla - working closely together with

    the Federal Ombudsperson's office (tel: 075 236643)

    VI Bosanske brigade 34

    Tel/fax: (387) 075 250504

    E-mail: ohr_tuzla@zamir-tz.ztn.apc.org

    Contact: Branka Rajner

-   Zenica          

    Centre for Legal Assistance to Women

    Kulina bana 9 

    Tel: (387) 072 22049

    E-mail: cpp_z@zamir-tz.ztn.apc.org

    Contact: Amira Krehic

-   Bosanska Krupa  

    Ostvarite svoja prava - specifically for women returnees

    Trg Oslobodjenja 3

    Tel: (387) 077 477260

    Contact: Aida Topcagic

-   Una-Sana Canton


    Main office: 

    Bosanski Petrovac

    Bosanska 105

    Tel: (387) 077 881019

    Contact: Muharem Halilovic

    Other lawyers involved:


    Nazif Ceric

    Tel: (387) 077 229353


    Reuf Kapic and Dervis Nurija

    Tel: (387) 077 514025

    Sanski Most

    Senad Biscevic

    Tel: (387) 079 86599


    Muhamed Mujakic

    Tel: (387) 077 511847

-   Mostar          

    Legal Aid Centre

    Trg Ivana Krndelja 11

    Tel: (387) 088 564511

    Contacts: Amra Kazic, Djordje Andric, Jurica Musa

-   Banja Luka


    Brace Jugovica 18

    Tel: (387) 078 63212

-   Eastern Republika Srpska

    IRC Legal Aid/ Information Centres 


    Cara Lazara bb

    Tel: (381) 071 868022

    Contacts: Civa Veljka, Milana Gavrilovic, Branka Bulajic


    Trifka Grabeza 31

    Tel: (381) 071 783567

    Contacts: Snjezana Jokic and Gordana Vlacic


    Centar 1

    Tel: (381) 073 475636

    Contacts: Miloslava Stanisic and Nedo Deric


    Kozacka 18

    Contacts: Lazar Drasko and Dragan Ninkovic

    Foca/ Srbinje

    Hotel Zalengora, 2nd floor

    Contacts: Slavica Prodanovic and Mile Cajevic

*   Banja Luka

    Danish Centre - a locally run free legal advice centre

    Eugena Kumicica 13

    Tel/fax: (381) 078 31211

    Contacts: Stipo Ancic, Azra Odobasic, Berislav Duric

*   Mostar

    Swiss House - Vrelo's psycho-social & legal aid centre

    Ul. Mladena Balorde 2

    Tel: (387) 088 551774

    Contact: Amela Mikulic

*   Northern Republika Srpska

    LEX - free legal advice for refugees and displaced persons


    Banja Luka

    Jug Bogdana 14

    Tel/fax: (381) 078 62888

    E-mail: bubic.g@etf-bl.rstel.net

    Contacts: Goran Bubic, Branko Peric


    Srpskih Oslobodilaca 46

    Tel/fax: (381) 076 25818

    Contact: Mirko Stevanovic


    Sv. Save 24

    Tel/fax: (381) 074 31015

    Contact: Miljenko Radonjic

    Kotor Varos

    Cara Dusana bb

    Tel/fax: (381) 078 880639

    Contact: Danica Matanovic


    Vidovdanska 7

    Tel/fax: (381) 079 24196

    Contact: Mico Kreca


    Karadordeva 3

    Tel/fax: (381) 074 736420

    Contact: Nenad Kovacevic


*   Coalition for Return, a multi-ethnic movement of internally

    displaced persons and refugees from all over Bosnia. Plans

    to create information centres and a regular bulletin to

    disseminate relevant info about the conditions for return.

    Info- and coordination centres will be established in Banja

    Luka, Mostar, Sarajevo and Tuzla.

    Koalicija za povratak - Information Centre 

    Aziza Sacirbegovica 80

    71000 Sarajevo

    Tel: (387) 071 652227

    Fax: (387) 071 652237

    Contact: Ljubinka Civsa

*   Association of Refugees and Displaced Persons of BiH

    Sarajevo office

    Tel/fax: (387) 071 664109

    Contact: Mirhunisa Komarica

    Travnik office

    Tel: (387) 072 811484

    Fax: (387) 072 813509

    Contact: Fikret Karac

    Zenica office

    Tel: (387) 072 21865

    Contact: Zuko Nusret

    Mostar office

    Tel: (387) 088 551169

    Fax: (387) 088 551094

*   Offices of the Federal Ombudsperson


    These ombudspersons deal with human rights issues,

    including property issues.

    Sarajevo: (387) 071 211392, 211393

    Mostar: (west) 088 311024; (east) 088 551332

    Zenica: (387) 072 417325

    Tuzla: (387) 075 236643

    Travnik: (387) 072 814200, 811706

    Livno: (387) 080 21911

    Bihac: (387) 077 331573

    Another office will soon be opened in Capljina and more

    offices will be opened next year in Orasje, Gorazde and

    Siroki Brijeg.  

*   Federal Ministry of Social Welfare, Displaced Persons and

    Refugees in the Federation of B&H

    Tel: (387) 071 201754

    Contact: Rasim Kadic

*   Ministry of Civil Affairs Refugee Office

    Tel: (387) 071 442870, 650068

    Contact: Mario Nenadic

*   Commission for real property claims of displaced persons

    and refugees. If returnees or displaced persons do not

    succeed in reclaiming their real property at the local

    administrative level, they can contact this commission.

    Sarajevo - Main office

    Danijela Ozme 4 

    Tel: (387) 071 211151

    Fax: (387) 071 211147

    E-mail: cfrpc@intr.net

    Head of Office: Steven Segal

    Sarajevo - Regional office

    Tel: (387) 071 211151


    Ante Starcevica 44 

    Tel: (387) 088 322553



    Toplicka cesta 42a

    Tel: (381) 071 672008

    Rahic (kod Brckog)

    Tel: (387) 076 373266

    Ravne (kod Brckog)

    Tel: (387) 076 745905

    Brcko grad

    Tel: (381) 076 205494


*   Office of the High Representative

    Dealing especially with refugee and DP issues:


    Tel: (387) 071 447275

    Fax: (387) 071 447420

    Contacts: Andreas Herdina, Minna Jarvenpaa, Vera Guendel

    Banja Luka

    Tel: (381) 078 17112

    Contact: Nils Kastberg


    Tel: (381) 076 205666

    Contact: Lori Galway


    Tel: (387) 088 317613

    Contact: Tom Foley

*   UNHCR offices in B&H


    Zenica: (387) 072 35863

    Jablanica: (387) 088 752705

    Mostar: (387) 088 551166

    Tuzla: (387) 075 215122

    Livno: (387) 080 23246

    Sarajevo: (387) 071 666160, 447736

    Bihac: (387) 077 331758

    Gorazde: (387) 073 224120

    Brcko: (381) 076 204510

    Zvornik: (381) 076 583402

    Banja Luka: (381) 078 32388

    Pale: (381) 071 786311

    Trebinje: (381) 089 25120


    As mentioned above, this revised version contains a list of

coordinates of local human rights organisations. They are

listed by means of a list of B&H towns in alphabethical order. 

*   Banja Luka

    Women and Law - Women's Rights

    Novice Cerovica 28

    Tel/fax: 381 78 36328

*   Bihac

    Serb Civic Council - Human Rights Office

    29 November 23

    Tel: 387 77 224815

    Contact: Dragan Zoric

*   Bijeljina

    Helsinki Board of Human Rights in Republika Srpska -


    Potporucnika Smajica 24a

    Tel: 381 76 472851

    E-mail: hodbor@bn.rstel.net

    President: Branko Todorovic

    Office for Human Rights

    Galac 19

    Tel/fax: 381 76 43066

    Contact: Predrag Maksimovic

    E-mail: hro_bn@zamir-bg.ztn.apc.org

*   Bosanska Krupa

    Women's organisation Realise Your Rights/ Ostvarite Svoja


    Tel: 387 77 477131

    Contact: Aida Topcagic

*   Doboj

    Bona Vita - Human Rights Protection and Legal Assistance

    Ul. Sv. Save 18

    Tel: 381 74 24870

    E-mail: ljiljam@sezam.co.yu

    Contact: Liljana Miljanovic

*   Gorazde

    Serb Civic Council - Human Rights Office

    Zdravstvenih Radnika bb

    Tel: 387 73 224558

    Contacts: Veljko Bjeljanin, Slavko Klisura

*   Livno

    Association of Jurists - human rights protection &


    Tel/fax: 387 80 23816

    Contacts: Munib Sehic, Izeta Dzendzo

    Tel: 387 80 23911

    Fax: 387 80 23942

*   Medjugorje

    Centre for Human Rights 

    Mala Livada bb

    Tel/fax: 387 88 642395

*   Mostar

    Helsinki Committee for Human Rights

    Alekse Santica 4

    Tel/fax: 387 88 551518

    Contact: Dzemal Sunje

    Serb Civic Council - Human Rights Office

    Tel: 387 88 551393

    Contact: Ratko Pejanovic

*   Sarajevo

    Helsinki Committee of Human Rights in BiH - Sarajevo

    Mule mustafe baseskije 10/IV

    Tel: 387 71 206011

    Fax: 387 71 665653

    E-mail: helsinki_comm.bih@zamir-sa.ztn.apc.org  

    President: Srdjan Dizdarevic

    Human Rights Commission of the Serb Civic Council

    Hamdije Kresevljakovica 3 

    Tel: 387 71 666962

    E-mail: sgv_sa@zamir-sa.ztn.apc.org 

    President: Mladen Pandurevic

    Protector - human rights protection

    Buhotina 14 (Rakovica)

    Tel/fax: 387 71 624447

    Contact: J. Milosevic

    Democratic Initiative of Sarajevo Serbs (DISS)

    Karposevo 4


    Tel: 387 71 452907

    Contact: Dusan Sehovac

*   Travnik


    Serb Civic Council - Human Rights Office

    Pod Ilovaca 10

    Tel: 387 72 811600

    Contact: Dragan Vikalo

*   Tuzla        

    Office for Human Rights 

    VI Bosanske Brigade 34

    Tel: 387 75 250504, 218197  

    Fax: 387 75 218197

    E-mail: ohr_tuzla@zamir-tz.ztn.apc.org

    Coordinator: Branka Rajner

    Committee for Human Rights 

    Nikole Tesle 15

    Tel/fax: 387 75 234441

    President: Vesna Sehic-Jugovic 

    Serb Citizens Council - Committee for Human Rights


    Djordja Mihajlovica 4

    Tel: 387 75 251537

    Fax: 387 75 236727

    Contact: Miso Bozic

*   Zenica

    Independent/ Nezavisan - International Institute for the

    Protection of Human Rights and Search for Missing Persons

    Masinski Fakultet, room 1107

    Fakultetska Ulica 1

    Tel/fax: 387 72 418685 

    E-mail: indep_ze@zamir-tz.ztn.apc.org   

    President: Dragutin Zvonimir Cicak 

    Committee for Protection and Promotion of Human Rights of

    Citizens of Jajce

    Tel: 387 72 23534

    Contact: Fikret Kasum

    Serb Citizens Council - Committee for Human Rights


    Tel: 387 72 21940

    Contact: Sretko Radisic


*   Banja Luka

    Women and Law; LEX; Danish Centre; Genesis; Iustitia; MDPL


*   Bihac

    HR Office Serb Civic Council; Patrija representative; IRC;

    Federal Ombudsperson; UNHCR

*   Bijeljina

    Helsinki HR Committee; Human Rights Office

*   Bosanska Krupa

    Realise Your Rights; IRC; CARE Germany

*   Bosanski Petrovac

    IRC; Patrija

*   Brcko

    LEX; Commission for real property Claims; OHR; UNHCR

*   Cazin

    Patrija representative

*   Doboj

    Bona Vita; LEX

*   Foca/ Srbinje


*   Gorazde

    HR Office Serb Civic Council; UNHCR

*   Gracanica


*   Gradacac


*   Gradiska (Bosanska)


*   Jablanica


*   Kalesija


*   Kladanj


*   Kljuc

    IRC; Patrija representative

*   Kotor Varos


*   Livno

    Association of Lawyers; Federal ombudsperson; UNHCR

*   Lukavac


*   Lukavica

    Commission for Real Property Claims

*   Medjugorje

    Centre for Human Rights

*   Mostar

    Helsinki Committee for HR; HR Office Serb Civic Council;

    MDPL; Swiss House/ Vrelo; Legal Aid centre; Federal

    Ombudsperson; Association of refugees and DPs of B&H;

    Commission for Real Property Claims; OHR; UNHCR

*   Mrkonjic Grad


*   Pale


*   Prijedor


*   Rahic

    BOSPO; Commission for Real Property Claims

*   Ravne

    Commission for Real Property Claims

*   Rogatica


*   Sanski Most

    Malteser Hilfsdienst; Patrija representative

*   Sapna/Teocak



*   Sarajevo

    Helsinki Committee of HR; HR Office Serb Civic Council;

    Protector; DISS; Repatriation Info Centre; Returnee Info

    Point Caritas and Diakonie; Job 22; DRC; IMIC; Caritas;

    Local Red Cross Main Info Centre; Coalition for return Info

    Centre; Association of Refugees and DPs; Federal

    Ombudsperson; Fed. Ministry of Social Welfare, Displaced

    Persons and Refugees; Min. of Civil Affairs Refugee Office;

    Commission for Real Property Claims; OHR; UNHCR

*   Sokolac


*   Srebrenik


*   Teslic


*   Travnik

    HR Office Serb Civic Council; Centre for Civic

    Cooperation/UNDP; Federal Ombudsperson; Association of

    Refugees and Displaced Persons 

*   Trebinje


*   Tuzla

    Office for Human Rights; HR Committee; HR Office Serb Civic

    Council; BOSPO; Federal Ombudsperson; UNHCR

*   Velika Kladusa


*   Visegrad


*   Zenica

    Centre for Legal Assistance to Women; HR Office

    Independent; Committee for Protection of HR of Citizens of

    Jajce; HR Office Serb Civic Council; DRC; Pax Christi/

    Bruecke; Association of Refugees and DPs; Federal

    Ombudsperson; UNHCR

*   Zivinice


*   Zvornik


    Sometimes I think I must be crazy, doing all this work,

listing all these organisations, I can think of a better ways

to spend my weekend. I hope at least that this survey will be

of usefull!

Many greetings,

Dave Bekkering, 

Gornji Vakuf,


(1)     "The World of B&H NGOs - an Introduction into the World

        of B&H NGOs and B&H NGO Assistance" - Dave Bekkering/

        UNDP Gornji Vakuf, second & revised version, November

        97. Obtainable by e-mail: unov_gv@zamir-zg.ztn.apc.org

        and this web site 'Hope on the Balkans')

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