Kosova opinions and alerts 1998
Appeal from the Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, PrishtinaPrishtina, March 9, 1998 APPEAL ON LATEST EVENTS IN SKENDERAJDear sir,The police in Skenderaj has informed the Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms in Prishtina through the Sub-Council based in this town to take the cadavers of 60 Albanians killed in the recent police operation in the villages of the Drenica region, among whom are children, women and elderly. The field associate of the Sub-council, has requested the list of killed persons and the supplemental documentation, as well as the guarantees that there will not be shouting during the burial. The list of killed persons and the needed documentation has not been provided. The member of the Sub-council has been told:Quote" Do whatever you want with the corps, we have already done our job. Unquote.!
We would like to inform hereby that the Serbian police, on March 7,l998, has collected all the dead bodies and placed them on the morgue of the Prishtina hospital. Based on the available information, there has not been conducted any dissection of the cadaver nor their identification. The corps were loaded in the truck and brought sometime at midnight in the Ambulance of the Skenderaj on March 8, 1998. They are being kept there for the time being. Such an act was done due to the fact that the police didn't want the diplomatic corps accredited in Belgrade as well as journalists to see the dead bodies. This visit was organized by the Ministry of Information of Serbia.
Thereby, The Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms requests to:
- establish an International Commission of Forensics as well as other experts to conduct the autopsy and their identification and investigate the matter concern.
Prof.Dr. Pajazit Nushi, chairman
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