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News Archive 1999

UCK went wild
From: List for IPWG [] On Behalf Of Misa Djurkovic
January 08, 1999

After Holbrook- Milosevic agreement UCK got the open space and time to repair itself. And it went wild! Since H-M agreement almost every day we had some terrorist attacks (killing, kidnapping, torturing...) not only against policemen but against serbian civilians and even against their fellow-citizens Albanians who didn't want to cooperate with them.
There are numerous very brutal acts of their violence of which the worst is killing of 5 17-18 years old high-school kids in one cafe in town Pec.

Today there were several new attacks. First UCK attacked military column which was distributing food to some fortresses near Stari Trg. 8 soldiers were kidnapped. Second, members of UCK killed three policemen and wounded 4 of them near the road Suva Reka- Prizren.
Serbian people from Kosovo don't trust to anybody (they feel betrayed by Milosevic and his officials) and since army and police can't adequately protect them they have started to organize themselves; politically but unfortunately, military too. They think it is the only possible way to protect their families , villages, lives and property, since UCK went wild with it's terrorist attacks, wile police and army can't provide safe life to them.
The worst thing is that almost every serious analyst predicts new, disastrous war with the beginning of spring.

Misa Djurkovic

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