Kosova News 1998
Oct 29 1998
Kits for Kosovo
Also see www.afsc.orgContact: Carl Maugeri, US phone no. (215) 241-7060
American Friends Service Committee launches program to aid displaced childeren
PHILADELPHIA, PA – The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is launching today a nationwide campaign to help meet the needs of displaced people in the conflict between the Serbian military and Albanian separatists in the former Yugoslavia. Thomas Moore, director of AFSC’s Emergency and Material Assistance Program, said that the "Kits for Kosovo" campaign will focus on the health care needs of the refugees, especially mothers and their children who constitute the majority of displaced people there.The kits consist of: two cloth diapers and pins, one small bottle of children’s vitamins, one bar of soap and one small stuffed toy. A $5.00 donation is also requested for shipping.
Donations of kits and financial contributions can be sent to Kits for Kosovo, AFSC Emergency and Material Assistance Program , 1501 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102.
"We are asking individuals and groups to assemble kits and make financial contributions to assist with this project," Moore said. Schoolchildren, religious groups and individuals are expected to participate in the campaign.
AFSC will work with three local humanitarian groups to distribute the kits to the displaced victims of the conflict: the Mother Theresa Society, Mercy Corps and the Motrat Qriazi, a women’s group based in Kosovo. Relief goods will be distributed without regard to the recipients' religion or nationality. Along with the kits, AFSC will use money raised through the project to purchase critical medicines and food for refugees and other groups in need within the region.
Information packets now being distributed include two educational guides written to promote classroom discussion along with a list of ways people, including schoolchildren, can become involved in peace efforts aimed at helping victims of war in Kosovo.
The American Friends Service Committee is a Quaker organization which includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace and humanitarian service. Its work is based on the belief in the worth of every person and faith in the power of love to overcome violence and injustice.
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