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Hope on the Balkans Kosov@ Crisis
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This is the full text of the accord on the demilitarisation of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA, known in Kosovo by its initials UCK) signed by KLA chief Hashim Thaqi and KFOR commander Lieutenant-General Mike Jackson in Pristina on June 21, 1999:
Undertaking of demilitarisation and transformation by the UCK 1. This Undertaking provides for a ceasefire by the UCK, their disengagement from the zones of conflict, subsequent demilitarisation and reintegration into civil society, in accordance with the terms of UNSCR 1244 and taking account of the obligations agreed to at Rambouillet and the public commitments made by the Kosovar Albanian Rambouillet delegation.
2. The UCK undertake to renounce the use of force, to comply with the directions of the Commander of the international security force in Kosovo (COMKFOR), and where applicable the head of the interim civil administration for Kosovo, and to resolve peacefully any questions relating to the implementation of this undertaking.
3. The UCK agree that the International Security Presence (KFOR) and the international civil presence will continue to deploy and operate without hindrance within Kosovo and that KFOR has the authority to take all necessary action to establish and maintain a secure environment for all citizens of Kosovo and otherwise carry out its mission.
4. The UCK agrees to comply with all of the obligations of this Undertaking and to ensure that with immediate effect all UCK forces in Kosovo and in neighbouring countries will observe the provisions of this Undertaking, will refrain from all hostile or provocative acts, hostile intent and freeze military movement in either direction across international borders or the boundary between Kosovo and other parts of the FRY, or any other actions inconsistent with the spirit of UNSCR 1244. The UCK in Kosovo agree to commit themselves publicly to demilitarise in accordance with paragraphs 22 and 23, refrain from activities which jeopardise the safety of international governmental and non-governmental personnel including KFOR, and to facilitate the deployment and operation of KFOR.
5. For purposes of this Undertaking, the following expressions shall have the meanings as described below:
a) The UCK includes all personnel and organisations within Kosovo, currently under UCK control, with a military or paramilitary capability and any other groups or individuals so designated by Commander KFOR (COMKFOR).
b) "FRY Forces" includes all of the FRY and Republic of Serbia personnel and organisations with a military capability. This includes regular army and naval forces, armed civilian groups, associated paramilitary groups, air forces, national guards, border police, army reserves, military police, intelligence services, Ministry of Internal Affairs, local, special, riot and anti-terrorist police, and any other groups or individuals so designated by Commander KFOR (COMKFOR).
c) The Ground Safety Zone (GSZ) is defined as a 5-kilometre zone that extends beyond the Kosovo province border into the rest of FRY territory. It includes the terrain within that 5-kilometre zone.
d) Prohibited weapons are any weapon 12.7mm or larger, any anti-tank or anti-aircraft weapons, grenades, mines or explosives, automatic and long barrelled weapons.
6. The purposes of this Undertaking are as follows:
a) To establish a durable cessation of hostilities.
b) To provide for the support and authorisation of the KFOR and in particular to authorise the KFOR to take such actions as are required, including the use of necessary force in accordance with KFORs rules of engagement, to ensure compliance with this Undertaking and protection of the KFOR, and to contribute to a secure environment for the international civil implementation presence, and other international organisations, agencies, and non-governmental organisations and the civil populace.
7. The actions of the UCK shall be in accordance with this Undertaking. "The KFOR" commander in consultation, where appropriate, with the interim civil administrator will be the final authority regarding the interpretation of this Undertaking and the security aspects of the peace settlement it supports. His determinations will be binding on all parties and persons.
Cessation of Hostilities
8. With immediate effect on signature the UCK agrees to comply with this Undertaking and with the directions of COMKFOR. Any forces which fail to comply with this Undertaking or with the directions of COMKFOR will be liable to military action as deemed appropriate by COMKFOR.
9. With immediate effect on signature of this Undertaking all hostile acts by the UCK will cease. The UCK Chief of General Staff undertakes to issue clear and precise instructions to all units and personnel under his command, to ensure contact with the FRY forces is avoided and to comply fully with the arrangements for bringing this Undertaking into effect. He will make announcements immediately following final signature of this Undertaking, which will be broadcast regularly through all appropriate channels to assist in ensuring that instructions to maintain this Undertaking reach all the forces under his command and are understood by the public in general.
10. The UCK undertakes and agrees in particular:
a) To cease the firing of all weapons and use of explosive devices.
b) Not to place any mines, barriers or checkpoints, nor maintain any observation posts or protective obstacles.
c) The destruction of buildings, facilities or structures is not permitted. It shall not engage in any military, security, or training related activities, including ground, or air defence operations, in or over Kosovo or GSZ, without the prior express approval of COMKFOR.
d) Not to attack, detain or intimidate any civilians in Kosovo, nor shall they attack, confiscate or violate the property of civilians in Kosovo.
11. The UCK agrees not to conduct any reprisals, counter-attacks, or any unilateral actions in response to violations of the UNSCR 1244 and other extant agreements relating to Kosovo.
This in no way denies the right of self- defence.
12. The UCK agrees not to interfere with those FRY personnel that return to Kosovo to conduct specific tasks as authorised and directed by COMKFOR.
13. Except as approved by COMKFOR, the UCK agrees that its personnel in Kosovo will not carry weapons of any type:
a) Within 2 kilometres of VJ and MUP assembly areas;
b) Within 2 kilometres of the main roads and the towns upon them listed at Appendix A;
c) Within 2 kilometres of external borders of Kosovo;
d) In any other areas designated by COMKFOR.
14. Within 4 days of signature of this Undertaking:
a) The UCK will close all fighting positions, entrenchments, and checkpoints on roads, and mark their minefields and booby traps.
b) The UCK Chief of General Staff shall report in writing completion of the above requirement to COMKFOR and continue to provide weekly detailed written status reports until demilitarisation, as detailed in the following paragraphs, is complete.
Cross-Border Activity
15. With immediate effect the UCK will cease the movement of armed bodies into neighbouring countries. All movement of armed bodies into Kosovo will be subject to the prior approval of COMKFOR.
Monitoring the Cessation of Hostilities
16. The authority for dealing with breaches of this Undertaking rests with COMKFOR. He will monitor and maintain and if necessary enforce the cessation of hostilities.
17. The UCK agrees to co-operate fully with KFOR and the interim civil administration for Kosovo. The Chief of the General Staff of the UCK will ensure that prompt and appropriate action is taken to deal with any breaches of this Undertaking by his forces as directed by COMKFOR.
18. Elements of KFOR will be assigned to maintain contact with the UCK and will be deployed to its command structure and bases.
19. KFOR will establish appropriate control at designated crossing points into Albania and the FYROM.
Joint Implementation Commission (JIC)
20. A JIC will be established in Pristina within 4 days of the signature of this Undertaking. The JIC will be chaired by COMKFOR, and will comprise the senior commanders of KFOR and the UCK, and a representative from the interim civil administration for Kosovo.
21. The JIC will meet as often as required by COMKFOR throughout the implementation of this Undertaking. It may be called without prior notice and representation by the UCK is expected at a level appropriate with the rank of the KFOR chairman. Its functions will include:
a) Ensuring compliance with agreed arrangements for the security and activities of all forces;
b) The investigation of actual or threatened breaches of this Undertaking;
c) Such other tasks as may be assigned to it by COMKFOR in the interests of maintaining the cessation of hostilities.
Demilitarisation and Transformation
22. The UCK will follow the procedures established by COMKFOR for the phased demilitarisation, transformation and monitoring of UCK forces in Kosovo and for the further regulation of their activities. They will not train or organise parades without the authority of COMKFOR. 23. The UCK agrees to the following timetable which will commence from the signature of this Undertaking:
a) Within 7 days, the UCK shall establish secure weapons storage sites, which shall be registered with and verified by the KFOR;
b) Within 7 days the UCK will clear their minefields and booby traps, vacate their fighting positions and transfer to assembly areas as agreed with COMKFOR at the JIC. Thereafter only personnel authorised by COMKFOR and senior Officers of the UCK with their close protection personnel not exceeding 3, carrying side arms only, will be allowed outside these assembly areas.
c) After 7 days automatic small arms weapons not stored in the registered weapons storage sites can only be held inside the authorised assembly areas.
d) After 29 days, the retention of any non automatic long barrelled weapons shall be subject to authorisation by COMKFOR.
e) Within 30 days, subject to arrangements by COMKFOR if necessary, all UCK personnel who are not of local origin, whether or not they are legally within Kosovo, including individual advisors, freedom fighters, trainers, volunteers, and personnel from neighbouring and other States, shall be withdrawn from Kosovo.
f) Arrangements for control of weapons are as follows: (1) Within 30 days the UCK shall store in the registered weapons storage sites all prohibited weapons with the exception of automatic small arms. 30 per cent of their total holdings of automatic small arms weapons will also be stored in these sites at this stage. Ammunition for the remaining weapons should be withdrawn and stored at an approved site authorised by COMKFOR separate from the assembly areas at the same time.
(2) At 30 days it shall be illegal for UCK personnel to possess prohibited weapons, with the exception of automatic small arms within assembly areas, and unauthorised long barrelled weapons.
Such weapons shall be subject to confiscation by the KFOR.
(3) Within 60 days a further 30 per cent of automatic small arms, giving a total of 60 per cent of the UCK holdings, will be stored in the registered weapons storage sites.
(4) Within 90 days all automatic small arms weapons will be stored in the registered weapons storage sites. Thereafter their possession by UCK personnel will be prohibited and such weapons will be subject to confiscation by KFOR.
g) From 30 days until 90 days the weapons storage sites will be under joint control of the UCK and KFOR under procedures approved by COMKFOR at the JIC. After 90 days KFOR will assume full control of these sites.
h) Within 90 days all UCK forces will have completed the processes for their demilitarisation and are to cease wearing either military uniforms or insignia of the UCK.
i) Within 90 days the Chief of General Staff UCK shall confirm compliance with the above restrictions in writing to COMKFOR.
24. The provisions of this Undertaking enter into force with immediate effect of its signature by the Kosovar Albanian representative(s).
25. The UCK intends to comply with the terms of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244, and in this context that the international community should take due and full account of the contribution of the UCK during the Kosovo crisis and accordingly give due consideration to:
a) Recognition that, while the UCK and its structures are in the process of transformation, it is committed to propose individual current members to participate in the administration and police forces of Kosovo, enjoying special consideration in view of the expertise they have developed.
b) The formation of an Army in Kosovo on the lines of the US National Guard in due course as part of a political process designed to determine Kosovos future status, taking into account the Rambouillet Accord.
26. This Undertaking is provided in English and Albanian and if there is any doubt as to the meaning of the text the English version has precedence.
21 June 1999
Appendix A
1) Pec - Lapusnik - Pristina 2) Border - Djakovica - Klina 3) Border - Prizren - Suva Reka - Pristina 4) Djakovica - Orahovac - Lapusnik - Pristina 5) Pec-Djakovica - Prizren - Urosevac - Border 6) Border - Urosevac - Pristina - Podujevo - Border 7) Pristina - Kosovska Mitrovica - Border 8) Kosovka Mitrovica - (Rakos) - Pec 9) Pec - Border with Montenegro (through Rozaj) 10) Pristina - Lisica - Border with Serbia 11) Pristina - Gnjilane - Urosevac 12) Gnjilane - Veliki Trnovac - Border with Serbia; 13) Prizren - Doganovic
This is the text of the G8 peace plan taken to Belgrade by the EU and Russian envoys, and agreed to on June 3 by the Serbian Parliament and President Milosevic:
Agreement should be reached on the following principles to move toward a resolution of the Kosovo crisis:
1.Immediate and verifiable end of violence and repression in Kosovo.
2.Verifiable withdrawal from Kosovo of all military, police and paramilitary forces according to a rapid timetable.
3.Deployment in Kosovo under UN auspices of effective international civil and security presences, acting as may be decided under Chapter VII of the Charter, capable of guaranteeing the achievement of common objectives.
4.The international security presence, with substantial Nato participation, must be deployed under unified command and control, and authorised to establish a safe environment for all people in Kosovo and to facilitate the safe return to their homes of all displaced persons and refugees.
5.Establishment of an interim administration for Kosovo, as part of the international civil presence, under which the people of Kosovo can enjoy a substantial autonomy within the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, to be decided by the Security Council of the United Nations. Interim administration to provide transitional administration while establishing and overseeing the development of provisional democratic self- governing institutions to ensure conditions for a peaceful and normal life of all inhabitants in Kosovo.
6.After withdrawal, an agreed number of Yugoslav and Serbian personnel will be permitted to return to perform the following functions:
Liaison with international civil mission and international security presence Marking/clearing minefields Maintaining a presence at Serb patrimonial sites Maintaining a presence at key border crossings.
7.Safe and free return of all refugees and displaced persons under the supervision of the UNHCR and unimpeded access to Kosovo by humanitarian aid organisations.
8.A political process towards the establishment of an interim political framework agreement providing for a substantial self-government for Kosovo, taking full account of the Rambouillet accords and the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the other countries of the region, and the demilitarisation of the KLA. Negotiations between the parties for a settlement should not delay or disrupt the establishment of democratic self-governing institutions.
9.Comprehensive approach to the economic development and stabilisation of the crisis region. This will include the implementation of a Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe with broad international participation in order to further promotion of democracy, economic prosperity, stability and regional cooperation.
10.Suspension of military activity will require acceptance of the principles set forth above in addition to agreement to other, previously identified, required elements, which are specified in the footnote below. A military- technical agreement will then be rapidly concluded that would, among other things, specify additional modalities, including the roles and functions of Yugoslav/Serb personnel in Kosovo.
Procedures for withdrawals, including the phased, detailed schedule and delineation of a buffer area in Serbia beyond which forces will be withdrawn.
Returning Personnel
Equipment associated the returning personnel. Terms of reference for their functional responsibilities. Timetable for their return. Delineation of their geographical areas of operation. Rules governing their relationship to international security presence and international civil mission.
Other required elements
Rapid and precise timetable for withdrawals meaning, for example 7 days to complete withdrawal; air defence weapons withdrawn outside a 25km mutual safety zone within 48 hours. Return of personnel for the functions specified above will be under the supervision of the international security presence and will be limited to a small agreed number (hundreds, not thousands). Suspension of military activity will occur after the beginning of verifiable withdrawals. The discussion and achieving of a military-technical agreement shall not extend the previously determined time for completion of withdrawals.
A second footnote refers to the composition of the international force, as follows:
It is understood that Nato considers an international security force with "substantial Nato participation" to mean unified command and control and having Nato at the core.
This in turn means a unified Nato chain of command under the political direction of the North Atlantic Council in consultation with non- Nato force contributors.
All Nato countries, partners and other countries will be eligible to contribute to the international security force. Nato units would be under Nato command.
It is understood that Russia's position is that the Russian contingent will not be under Nato command and its relationship to the international presence will be governed by relevant additional agreements.
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