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[Duurzaamlijst] Fwd: Institute for Global Futures Research (IGFR)
Hallo duurzame vrienden,
Onlangs ontvingen wij onderstaand bericht, waarin het "Institute
for Global Futures Research (IGFR)" zich voorstelt en
aankondigde dat we een gratis proefabonnement op hun Global
Futures Bulletin zouden krijgen.
Daarvan hebben we inmiddels een paar afleveringen ontvangen, en
het ziet er heel degelijk en serieus uit.
Ik denk dat iedereen die zich meldt bij het IGFR ook wel zo'n
proefabonnement kan krijgen.
Groeten, Dick Verheul
-------- Doorgestuurd bericht --------
From: "Institute for Global Futures Research (IGFR)" <igfr@peg.apc.org>
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 09:36:56 +0000
Subject: Institute for Global Futures Research (IGFR)
Institute for Global Futures Research (IGFR).
P.O. Box 263E, Earlville, Qld 4870, Australia.
E-mail: <igfr@peg.apc.org>.
Dear Colleague,
You have been referred to us as someone who is interested in
global futures, sustainable development, and social justice.
I am sending you a copy of the Global Futures Bulletin (see
following e-mail message). The journal is multidisciplinary and
The Global Futures Bulletin is a publication of the Institute for
Global Futures Research (IGFR).
Recipient organisations include the World Bank, the US EPA, World
Futures Studies Federation, Millennium Institute, Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), World Health Organisation, UNDP,
UNEP, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD),
International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Institute for Agriculture
and Trade Policy, and the United Nations University amongst 36 other
We would like to send you SIX successive ISSUES of the Global
Futures Bulletin FREE OF CHARGE, after which you will be invited
to take out a membership/subscription. You are under no obligation
whatsoever. (The latest issue will follow within 24 hrs).
The Global Futures Bulletin is published online twice a month.
(If you find it is of no use to you, you need not respond and you will
be automatically deleted from the recipient list at the end of the free
trial period. However, do let us know if you wish to be deleted from
the list prior to this).
We have included a background brief on the Institute for Global Futures
Research (IGFR) along with the latest copy of the Global Futures
Bulletin (following e-mail). We hope it is of some use to you.
Geoff Holland, Director,
Institute for Global Futures Research (IGFR).
P.O. Box 263E, Earlville, QLD 4870, Australia.
E-mail: <igfr@peg.apc.org>.
The Institute for Global Futures Research (IGFR) arose out of a series
of meetings held during the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, 1992.
The IGFR was established in 1995 as an independent research
centre to explore urgent global issues and longterm future options.
The brief of the IGFR is to build a macro interdisciplinary
perspective by researching pivotal issues in the areas of peace and
social justice, the global environment and climate change, poverty
and Third World development, human rights and democracy,
population, resources, international relations, the global economy,
science and technology, urban planning, and comparative culture, to
mention but some of the key areas.
The IGFR produces a twice-monthly journal (Global Futures
Bulletin) disseminated via e-mail to all its members and
subscribers. Members and subscribers include students and
community leaders, members of various religious affiliations and
non-government activist organisations, scientific research centres,
university academics, and senior officials in the corporate sector,
government policy makers and multilateral organisations, in 76
The IGFR coordinates an Open Research Program where research
teams comprising experts and advisers are grouped around
40 interest areas. Using futures and other methodologies as well as
non-methodological (intuitive) approaches, we draw results together
from different disciplines to identify major trends, global parameters,
continuities and discontinuities, and use this understanding to generate
options for the future.
1. development issues, theory and paradigms
2. peace and conflict resolution.
3. climate change
4. energy
5. evolving world order
6. biodiversity and habitat
7. emancipation of women
8. megatrends in technology
9. comparative society
10. implications of globalisation
11. ethnic relations and multicivilisations
12. food and sustainable agriculture
13. international governance
14. Agenda 21
15. quality of life indicators
16. population issues
17. toxic waste
18. urban development
19. global finance
20. transport
21. future generations - ethics
22. water
23. global parameters, scenarios, new dimensions
24. disaster
25. futures studies methodologies
26. history of the future
27. longwaves and macrohistory
28. industry trends, industrial ecology
29. new economics
30. corporate citizenship
31. alternative communities and lifestyles
32. cyberspace revolution
33. global conventions and international law
34. world summits
35. Gaia theory
36. world health
37. world systems theory
38. equity
39. spirituality and religion
40. community development
The IGFR was initially funded by several private grants, but is
increasingly becoming financially self-reliant from membership and
subscription revenue.
Membership fees are the same as subscription fees.
Membership includes subscription to the Global Futures Bulletin
and additionally means that the subscriber supports the aims and
work of the IGFR as an independent NGO, but not necessarily the
views expressed in its publications.
Annual membership/subscription fees
Individual A$35 / US$26
Concession A$24 / US$18
Corporate/library A$68 / US$52
The IGFR is a not-for-profit organisation.
-------- Einde Doorgestuurd bericht --------
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