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[Duurzaamlijst] gevraagd: project-manager
Conference and Project Coordinator "Urban Environment / Local Agenda 21 /
Sustainable Development Cooperation"
The European Secretariat of the International Council for Local Environmental
Initiatives (ICLEI) is seeking candidates for the position of Project Manager
for international projects in the field of "Urban Environment, Local Agenda 21,
Sustainable Development Cooperation", and in particular for the management of
ICLEI's World Congress in Germany in June 2000.
For more information, visit ICLEI+s job databank at:
International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), European
Secretariat, Eschholzstrasse 86, D-79115 Freiburg/ Germany Fax: + 49. 761. 3 68
92 19
E-mail: iclei-europe@iclei-europe.org
Frits Glotze.
... de milieubeweging zet alleen maar Nederland op afstand (M.v.Dam)
|Fidonet: Frits Glotze 2:500/104.6830
|Internet: f.glotze@dosgg.nl
| Standard disclaimer: The views of this user are strictly her/his own.
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