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[Duurzaamlijst] intrinsieke waarde van levende wezens
Aankondiging van een workshop over integriteit en intrinsieke waarde van planten, tegen de
achtergrond van explicitering daarvan in een nieuwe Zwitserse wet.
############ ANNOUNCEMENT
TITLE: Diary date re Ifgene workshop in Switzerland in May
SOURCE: Ifgene, http://www.anth.org/ifgene/switzer.htm
DATE: 9 February 2001
This is a preliminary announcement about a workshop on the intrinsic value
and integrity of plants in the context of genetic engineering which Ifgene
(International Forum for Genetic Engineering) will be holding at Dornach,
near Basel, Switzerland from 9 to 11 May 2001.
Against a backgound of the Swiss constitution and draft 'Gen-Lex' making
explicit the concept of the intrinsic value of living things we shall look
at the meaning and implications of this for our dealings with plants.
Contributions are expected to include philosophical, aesthetic, ethical,
social, agricultural and regulatory aspects.
More information can be found on the Swiss page of the Ifgene web site at
http://www.anth.org/ifgene/switzer.htm including contact details for
ordering a programme & booking form as well as making booking enquiries. We
shall update this page once the speakers and the programme details are
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