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[Duurzaamlijst] Brief van uitgezette Canadees nav Volkelaktie
Tooker Deported to Toronto; Video on the Net
Wed, 10 Jan 2001 09:56:42 -0500
"Greenspiration.org" <action@web.ca>
(Recipient list suppressed)
Hi Folks, Tooker here.
If you ever want to be the first person on the plane -- get deported!
Imagine, being escorted onto a completely empty jumbo jet by two armed
police officers! (They were civil with me, but not with the Ghanian man
saw in the deportation room who was pinned under 7 cops after resisting
being sent back.)
They took me to the very back row of the 747. I suppose they didn't want
near the exit door in case I tried to make a break for freedom and
in the Netherlands.
So suddenly, unexpectedly, on Thurs. Jan. 4 I was shipped back to
Being back home in Toronto has been terrific -- friends and even
have been warm and welcoming. I am entranced by the beautiful white snow
especially since Amsterdam is so moist and murky in wintertime. Aftr 8
in jail with my freedom stripped, and even my pens confiscated, I savour
walk in Dufferin Grove Park or a home-cooked meal like never before.
I will be writing some stories about my six wild weeks in the Nether
Stay tuned. In the meantime, if you have the technical capability, check
out the amazing video about the Peace Action Camp where I was busted
my cohort Kelly Reinhardt put on the web. The 10 minute clip can be
at our
http://www.GombergForMayor.org site.
It tells the story of nuclear bombs, and why they are illegal according
international law. (Drop by an internet cafe if you really want to see
My Dutch friends "knipped" through the chain link fence of the NATO air
base Volkel to draw attention to these 11 nuclear bombs. We then ran
the site and entered the U.S. communications building. There the
police rounded us up and arrested ten people. Two were deported; myself
a British activist. Kelly remains in Amsterdam, doing extraordinary
and eco work.
Thanks for all your kind words, wishes and suggestions in recent months.
has been quite an adventure.
Drop me a line: tooker@web.ca,
or say hello to Kelly at: rainheart@ziplip.com
p.s. We also have broadcast quality Beta videos, and VHS copies (NTSC or
PAL), of the Peace Action Camp, the Hague World Climate Conference, the
Passport Burning, and other activities. Contact us if you'd like to see
We are Kelly Reinhardt and Tooker Gomberg, two Canadian
now living in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
We are citizens of the Earth, and pledge allegience to our home planet.
In outrage and shame at the Canadian Government's negociating position,
lack of domestic action to fight to avert the coming climate catastrophe
we burned our Canadian passports at the World Climate Conference
on Friday, Nov. 24, 2000.
You can reach us, or offer help (send money!) at: action@web.ca.
Please check out our websites at: http://www.GombergForMayor.org
and http://www.Greenspiration.org
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