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[Duurzaamlijst] daily update

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Daily update Rising Tide Fridat 17th November

Nobody knows what happened exactly, but some of our risingtide coalition members got denied access to the congres centre this morning. Officials of the UN state that there are concerns "about the behaviour of observers when they are inside". Could this has something to do with the immature behaviour of two direct activists when they were not aloud in the opening ceremony of the Climate Tech 2000? If you want to know about these subjects, just come to the new installed public info point on climate change. 

Business organisations have various means for communicating their propaganda to the world. Their viewpoints not only find their way into official COP6-policies but also towards the general public as activists are not doing much to block that. However, who can climate change be ascribed to, as Shell, BP, Monsanto and Siemens find nothing in their way while making their voices heard? 

The leftist radical part of environmental organsiations present in the UNCFFF COP6 conference was denied access yesterday. Direct activists were already quite used being denied access to anything, but that this could also happen to people with accreditation? Nobody could have guessed. Reliable sources have also revealed that the U.N. were acting on "information communicated to them from the police…" Activists mistaken? Who knows, for the general viewpoint it doesn't matter, as the exlusion of anyone who wants to participate in climate talks is a failure of democracy. Aseed being blocked out and activists doing nothing but skipping food is giving them the opportunity to sit next to governments as are make their propaganda clearly visible…  Environmental organisations are already exluded from important meetings, not to mention people staying down the squate, but denying them the basic access as well is provoking harder actions from the outside…

Opened in the other site of town, down at the 'miefabriek', the public infopoint on climate change. Lots to see, to do and to drink. It is warm and has got a pretty large public reading place. Haven't been there yet? Don't worry, it will remain open for general public and activists to meet till the end of the conference. At this Info Point, today available information about the Young Nuclear Generation, a large lobbyclub that doesn't seem to understand much about security and democracy around nuclear energy. Maybe you wanna do something with it? 
Friday night a vigil march and protest organised to support the U'wa people and Columbia and other tribal peoples in opposition to the oil drilling of the US based Occidental Oil on their anscestors land. As part of the vigil, U'wa representatives will be singing their tradtional songs; "If we stop this disgracefull project we will save far more carbon than our government is willing to do". Starts at 18:00 at the Vredespaleis in Den Haag moving to the congrescentrum. 

Later on the evening, a book launch will start off the official opening of the Concordia as our new venue. The book, 'Cold Catchers Fire', contains stories, poems and forms of written art dealing with the subject of climate change. Concordia > Hogezand 42. Also in Concordia, the IMC will start making news. With 20 computers and free internet, activists finally know where to go for. Today seems to get wild.

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